is only fair that some of these differences be discussed in order that the position of TRANSVESTIA be made perfectly clear.
To be candid, I, as Editor do not
care to have my motives.and actions be made to appear as undesirable, arbitrary or selfish simply because some one else chooses to set about a similar task in a dif- Let us compare the policies and proposed procedures of the two magazines.
ferent way.
The Editor of TURN ABOUT in his prospectus says, "the Editors shall not restrict the pages of TURNABOUT to expressing only those ideas which conform to what as individuals, believe in. Instead, we welcome any divergent opinion from any source as long as it is clearly and intelligently stated." As Editor of an es- tablished magazine I would like to point out that there are roughly four types of magazines:(1)the news magaz- ine such as TIME or NEWSWEEK which print everything that might be interesting to the readers; (2) the story- entertainment types such as CORONET, PAGENT etc., (3) the journals of opinion like the NATION and NEW REPUBLIC in which various sides may be heard from on a variety of subjects; and (4) those which serve a lim- ited readership on an intentionally limited field of material such as the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC on travel, exploration, etc., and the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN on strictly scientific subjects for a scientifically enlight- ened readership. A new magazine can of course, elect which type it will be.
TRANSVESTIA was started three years ago with the idea of limited coverage but with no certainty that it could survive if it did not encompass several related fields such as bondage, humiliation, punishment etc. So, in TVias #1, 2, 3 and 4, stories that involved some of this type of material appeared. But also in #4 was. a "Popularity Poll" the results of which appeared in TVia #5. This poll verified my own personal feelings and determined me to follow them in future issues, namely, to dedicate TRANSVESTIA to the interest, needs and desires of those people who were (a) hetero- sexual, and (b) not primarily interested in bondage, humilation, fetishism, spanking, punishment, domin- ation or other types of behaviour in which cross dres-